A Buddhist Deity Painting: Thangka
K and A sent me this Tibetan Thangka, at 2 x 3 feet, a gouache on fabric. Gouache is a medium more opaque than watercolor, with the addition of a …
American Association of Appraisers, Certified Member. 30 Years experience | (805) 895.5005 | elizabethappraisals@gmail.com
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart’s column appears every week in the LIFESTYLE & CULTURE section of the Montecito Journal. Email her your questions with high-resolution photos: ElizabethAppraisals@gmail.com.
K and A sent me this Tibetan Thangka, at 2 x 3 feet, a gouache on fabric. Gouache is a medium more opaque than watercolor, with the addition of a …
JR sent me a photo of a cabinet filled with objects. How does she determine the value of that art? She asked, “since I have time at home, how do …
RMC asked a great question. How does someone establish provenance? It seems RMC owns a valuable mahogany Revolutionary Medical Kit containing forceps, probes, a hooked metal key, a group of …
Nothing feels quite as weighty as time these days. I purloined my kitchen clock from a garage going out of business. It bears that 1970’s Bendix logo with the Bendix …
I reflect on the acronym CoVid: “co” in Latin means “partnership” (as in co-habitate, or co-invent)…. “vid” in Latin (derived from videre) means “to see.” Words are powerful! We now …
Gone are the days when a beautiful woman kissed the air and waved that kiss to a handsome man. Timely, then, that FG sent me a lovely, 200 years old, …
Elizabeth Stewart, PhD speaks to artists at La Cumbre Center for Creative Arts about selling art in today’s market. In this second part she responds to questions from the artists …
JH sent me something rather extraordinary, if she likes a drinking challenge. In Northern Europe, especially in the 19th century, mature men took this little lady figure, inverted her, and …
Elizabeth Stewart, PhD speaks to artists at La Cumbre Center for Creative Arts about selling art in today’s market. For more information check out Elizabeth’s post “Appraiser Talks About Selling …
The most under-appreciated segment of the market for fine antiques is often found in dining rooms; specifically, objects related to the ritual of DINING. FE sends me a BIG question: …