An interview with three Santa Barbara artists: Emil Morhardt and Claudia Chapman whose exhibition, Feathers and Fur, shows in September at Gallery Los Olivos, and Patricia Post who will exhibit soon at 10 West Gallery.
American Association of Appraisers, Certified Member. 30 Years experience | (805) 895.5005 |
I appreciated your encouragement to be part of the group interview. I believe a lot of what helped me to relax and hold emotionally in talking about Tom, something that even after 11 months since his passing is still difficult and fought with uncertainty as to when I might tear up, was your skillful and warm interviewing presence. You are a great listener, and you kept weaving the threads of each of us into a joint tapestry. Your sincere excitement was tangible and opened us up. You turned something that I was a bit nervous and worried about into a pleasant and healing event. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and Amil and Claudia as well. You are a master of what you love doing and it was clear to me that you have meet a great number of artists and have a deep background in and a deep love for the arts and creative process.