“State of the Art Gallery”

Artist Patrick Melroy talks about the Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture’s “State of the Art Gallery” displayed in eight locations throughout State Street from April-June, 2018.

Stanley McCormick and Riven Rock

Interview with Frank McGinity, MBA, CPA about his film Stanley McCormick and Riven Rock. Mr McGinity converted the former theater used by the McCormick’s as part of their massive 87 …

“Modotti and Weston”

Writer/Director Claudia Hog McGarry along with two actors, Erika Leachman and Rene Correa, from her play “Modotti and Weston,” which goes on stage Saturday, March 10 at the Alhecama Theatre.

Sicily tour offered by SBMA

Interview with Dr Allan Langdale, Lisa Benshea, and Santi Visalli about the Sicily tour offered by the Santa Barbara Museum of Art June 2 to 11, 2018.


Interview with Casey McGarry and Chris Price, co-directors of a documentary in the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Casaron tells the story of the Santa Barbara families who make the …