Buddha Bodhisattva

L.S. from Lompoc writes me a lovely card in which she stuck two photos of a clay Buddha purchased 25 years ago at an estate sale, a heavy thing at …

Papua New Guinea Mask

E.E. sends me a huge Oceanic tribal mask from Papua New Guinea’s Sepik River area. This would scare anyone with its awesome energy. E.E. tells me her husband won’t have …

En Grisaille Tea Caddy

SJ sends me photos of a lovely little architecturally scalloped wooden tea caddy, picturing a monochromatic scene of lovers. This is a technique called “en grisaille,” painted with black, white …

A Saucy Paper Collectible

PS sends me an old theater program from Treasure Island’s California Auditorium of 1940: Clifford C. Fischer’s Folies Bergere, showing a gorgeous “doll” with a strategically placed feather boa, pearls, …

Wall Mounted Clothes Dryer

C.B. sends me a photo of what appears to be a contemporary wall-mounted wooden sculpture. A further look shows its title is “Leader Clothes Dryer Pat’d July 4, 1899, GEM …

The ultimate back scratcher

My friends at the Unity Shoppe asked me to identify an odd-looking stick thing with a head like a padded cloud (called a plaquette), with a long hardwood handle in …


What to do when faced with a BIG move? I helped a lovely Santa Inez family move their older dad to the East Coast. Here are some hints of ways …