Saints Painted by an Indigenous Peruvian

At a flea market JS purchased a small painting on canvas featuring two figures of saints. She never before saw such an unfortunate looking canine, and needed this work!! First, …

Salvador Dali’s 120th Birthday

Salvador Dali turns 120 years old this Spring. As his lithographs are one of the most appraised material, I present his most viewed work of art: the wrapping for the …

Art Nouveau Floor Lamp

JJ owns a wonderful goose-neck floor lamp, found at the Earl Warren flea market. The base is a naturalistic bronze with a round figure of a lily pad, models of …

Barnaby Conrad: A Friend to Writers

OS asked for a dollar estimate for her Barnaby Conrad signed lithograph. When an artist is a huge personality with a legendary past, “comparable sales,” prices paid for past work, …

The rabbit hair felt cloche hat with a gold silk band by G. Howard Hodge

Hodge’s Hats

PP confessed to a weakness for vintage hats. For the past ten years she paid $300 a month to store her collection of 1950s hats. She sent me a picture …