Thai Midcentury “Happy Peasant” Art

B.W. from Montecito has a painting of colorful straw-hatted workers in a rice paddy, which she believes was purchased in Thailand. It is signed “Sujarit”: the artist is Sujarit Hirankul …

Meissonier Painting

P.P. sends me a copper plate engraving on paper which is signed Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (1815-91), a French Classicist painter known for his portrayal of cocky handsome soldiers, ‘bonhommes’ – original …

Two Chinese Works of Art

DC sends me two Chinese works, one an ink and gouache painting on paper, and one a silk embroidery on silk. The painting depicts a lone, bearded, fur-cloaked man of …

Two Early Greek Vases: Fake or REAL?

PH sends me two pieces of ceramics in the style of Attic figural (Greek) vase painting. PH wants to know if he has something of ancient history, dating from the …

Fred Harvey Thunderbird Necklace

JS sends me a figure of an abstracted spread-winged Thunderbird, pictured in an oval necklace made of copper of about 3 inches long. This is a piece from a Fred …

Italian Barometer/Thermometer

R.S. sends me an ornate Renaissance Revival style hand carved 19th century barometer/thermometer marked G & L Guanziroli, who was a maker of optical instruments in London (Hatton Garden) in …

ViewTex Filmstrip projector

JF sends me a ViewTex Filmstrip projector from the 1960’s, sourced from Alpha Thrift, complete with its own brown leatherette suitcase. It’s heavy, because of its streamlined style metal shell. …

Doll Horrors

M.M. of Santa Barbara tortured me this week by sending not just one, but a group of dolls, all well-loved. M.M. explained that as an only child she played with …

Could this be a de Chirico worth millions?

T. has a fascinating painting that he found in his grandfather’s attic. It resembles a valuable piece by Giorgio de Chirico of 1915 entitled “La pureté d’un rêve” (the purity …