Ever wonder what your personal ‘object’ style is?
For 30 years I’ve visited people’s home environments, and I can tell their ‘material psychology’ by observing their home. Not only that, I can suss out a person’s attachment style …
American Association of Appraisers, Certified Member. 30 Years experience | (805) 895.5005 | elizabethappraisals@gmail.com
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart’s column appears every week in the LIFESTYLE & CULTURE section of the Montecito Journal. Email her your questions with high-resolution photos: ElizabethAppraisals@gmail.com.
For 30 years I’ve visited people’s home environments, and I can tell their ‘material psychology’ by observing their home. Not only that, I can suss out a person’s attachment style …
Mechanically minded people, like NS, who collects typewriters, are inclined to the human scale. The typewriter is one of the first machines that allowed for a direct contact between one’s …
E.D. from the LA area sends me a photo of this paintings by Charuvi Schmuel (1897-1965) from the 1920’s, of what I believe is an image of Kinneret, an archaeological …
BR sends me two Japanese masks that she picked up outside of a theater in Kyoto in the 1960’s. She wonders where they fit in with the history of traditional …
L.S. owns this painting of ships on the Hudson in Upstate New York by a local artist of the late 19th to early 20th century, DeWitt Parshall, NA (1864-1956), at …
ES sends me a Sepik River mask – very large – from Papua New Guinea. This mask is causing trouble in her marriage, she writes me. Her partner jumped on …
T.M. has two etchings on paper mounted on a sheet. The bottom of one reads “The Schoolmaster Nr. 190 — 1641 — B.128” and the other reads “Cornelis Claesz Anslo …
M.P. phoned the Appraisers Association of America in New York City, of which I am a member. She asked for advice on a piece and they directed her to call …
You’re an artist. What will become of your work? As you reach maturity, where will your work be housed so that it can be seen? What does “legacy” entail? I …
It’s 1956 and your mom and dad are shopping for furniture. They’ve recently been to New York to see the 1954 exhibition “Design in Scandinavia,” curated by Canadian designer John …