Appraiser Talks About Selling in Today’s Art Market
Are you an Artist? Then this Appraiser wants to speak to you about selling in today’s art MARKET. WHAT is your strategy for SELLING your art? I’m a career Appraiser …
American Association of Appraisers, Certified Member. 30 Years experience | (805) 895.5005 |
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart’s column appears every week in the LIFESTYLE & CULTURE section of the Montecito Journal. Email her your questions with high-resolution photos:
Are you an Artist? Then this Appraiser wants to speak to you about selling in today’s art MARKET. WHAT is your strategy for SELLING your art? I’m a career Appraiser …
MP might purchase a lovely piece of late 19th century pottery, which looks quite modern. It could have been potted yesterday. She found it for sale at Punch on State …
Mary Anne sent me photographs of a collection of dolls she wants to sell. She packaged them up in original boxes. The dolls are part of the “Victorian Collection” by …
What are these “little disks?” wrote VA, a reader all the way from South Africa. She said her Uncle collected these odd tiddlywinks. She has no idea where he got …
CH sent me a photograph of a ladderback rocking chair given (tradition has it) to CH’s great-grandparents as a wedding gift from CH’s great-great-grandfather in Ohio. Let’s describe the rocker …
I snapped up this illustration of a tiger observing a singing bird on a branch, at Destined for Grace Thrift Store in Goleta. The signature reads “F S CHURCH.” One …
F from Santa Barbara once owned a large collection of art glass, now mostly sold. But he saved a little glass pitcher with “Gladys” written on it in enamel pant. …
JS owns a painting on porcelain of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821), not painted in the way we usually picture the Emperor. Here we see a sad little …
I own a household of ‘orphan’ works of art untracible to an artist. I judged them to be very fine pieces. This checklist gives you six steps to understand the …
I received an overwhelming response to my article “How to Judge a Thrift Store Painting.” One reader asked if I owned an ‘orphan’ painting in my home. She wants me …