Delicious Cruise Ship Menu Covers

D.A. sent me a watercolor of idyllic seaside Hawaiian villagers hard at work pulling in fishing nets. D.A. bought this image 30 years ago in a now defunct thrift store. …

Anyone buying art during the pandemic?

JM asked if anyone is buying art during the pandemic? I can’t tell you how many inquiries I’ve received during ‘CoVid Time:’ “Is NOW a good time to sell my …

Determine the Value of Your Art

Determine the Value of Your Art

JR sent me a photo of a cabinet filled with objects. How does she determine the value of that art? She asked, “since I have time at home, how do …

Thirteen Poems for Luck

I reflect on the acronym CoVid: “co” in Latin means “partnership” (as in co-habitate, or co-invent)…. “vid” in Latin (derived from videre) means “to see.” Words are powerful! We now …


Celebrated Impossible Drinking Challenge

JH sent me something rather extraordinary, if she likes a drinking challenge. In Northern Europe, especially in the 19th century, mature men took this little lady figure, inverted her, and …