The Amazing Stevengraph

NH sent me a silk textile weaving, generically known today as a Stevengraph. Its history began in the Middle Ages, in a faraway place along the Jona River in a …

Hagenauer Family Hunch

JF sent me a deco style metal sculpture bust of a young male. I presume it’s Apollo from the laurel leaf crown around his head. I don’t see any markings …

Hubley Friendship For a Friend

I once appraised a Hubley Friendship, the only cast iron seaplane ever manufactured by any toy company, for a gifted personality. He gifted it to a friend. Hubley modeled the …

Mystery of the Black Feathers

My maiden name is Siegfried and I often see Germanic Sentimentalism mixed with taxidermy. In such blatant ways I find the Germanic culture a bit frightening. J’s objects exemplify Germanic …

Taking a Trip with Mireia Zantop

When TF picked up this work on paper at a charity auction she knew nothing about it. But she loved the octopus. She asked me to find out about the …

Do Your Object Speak to You?

Perhaps the objects in your home speak to you in these troubled times. Maybe they say, “restore me,” “donate me,” or “think of what I mean to you.” Objects remind …

Why Chefs Love Wagner Ware

A good market exists for this rugged cookware from the late 19 and early 20th century, especially for the Griswold, Sidney, and Wagner Ware brands. JE sent me a cast …