A Beast of a Sofa

Let me tell you a story about how the most out of place objects are found in the least likely environments. How did a beast of a sofa find its …

W Stanley Davis Won Flower Shows

HT sent me a photo of a sterling silver tulip-shaped engraved vase, won by her great grandfather for ‘Best Dahlias’ in the 1904 Santa Barbara Flower Show. HT’s great-grandfather, a …

1890s Glass Beer Bottles

GJ found two “blob top” straight-sided shorter-necked low shouldered amber-brown glass twenty-three ounce beer bottles wedged between the ceiling joists in his 1890s house below APS. Each appeared slightly different …

Olympic Art

The ancient Olympic Games took place every four years between 776 BCE and 393 CE, and ceased in the third century because of “pagan” claims by a Christian Roman Emperor. …

Navajo Rugs In Rare Condition

HT inherited two Navajo rugs from her great-grandfather’s ranch. These unique, authentic, and gorgeous rugs appear in remarkable condition for almost 100 years old. Her great-grandfather farmed citrus and avocados …

Fond Memories of Steiff Toys

Steiff Toys take me back to a little Midwestern redbrick house in 1960s Deerfield Illinois. A burly gentleman who didn’t speak English carried a four-foot-long walrus with a blue bow …

Schütz Rendered East Coast Cityscapes

This Anton Friedrich Josef Schütz etching captures the American spirit of the modern, growing metropolis of New York City in 1926. The work by an artist and founder of the …