Pandemic “Home-Work” Part Two
This COVID experience taught us that no one lives forever, and the importance of certain tasks: insurance, heirship decisions, donations. Situations call us to act from our center, and we …
American Association of Appraisers, Certified Member. 30 Years experience | (805) 895.5005 |
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart’s column appears every week in the LIFESTYLE & CULTURE section of the Montecito Journal. Email her your questions with high-resolution photos:
This COVID experience taught us that no one lives forever, and the importance of certain tasks: insurance, heirship decisions, donations. Situations call us to act from our center, and we …
My history with Scotland includes meeting my son’s father there. So when DG sent me an old Scottish chest of drawers, the prospect of fruitful research thrilled me. DG grew …
Two interrelated crises (one social and one biological) challenges the way we deal with our home environments, and how we tend our home and hearths. The recent loss of my …
In the 1930s, the early years of refrigeration, the refrigerator market boomed. Inventors became busy with new ideas for many types of units for the home. A whole slew of …
MV’s dad asked his daughter to send me a photograph of a 20 x 24″ oil on canvas signed on the back (signed verso) by Grigori Gluckmann (Grigori Efimovich Gluckmann, …
An entry in the Wyoming State Museum of Cheyenne meant the world to EF, whose mother turned 98. A friend of hers found two paintings in a thrift store marked …
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart tells a deeply personal story about the importance of listening to the voice of an object, especially with all the noise surrounding this pandemic time. If the …
Lompoc telephone and business history interconnect in the early 20th century. KM of Montecito sent me a photograph of George Washington Moore Sr.. This Lompoc rancher/merchant also fathered the man …
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart shows three objects and asks: Does that object speak to you? Does it mean anything to you? She encourages you to let the object tell who used …
Many people are going through storage units these days. I know because I get calls about objects people rediscovered. One of my clients found an old set of silver. The …