From Soup to Nut Dish

JH owns a delightful little silver-plate nut dish, a curling stylized leaf on which perches a silver-plate squirrel. A stamp on the bottom states the Hatford Silver Co., Silver-plate. She …

Great Grandmother’s German Vase

TS sent me the result of her outing today up in the mountains off Gibraltar Road, some handpicked wildflowers. She also found her great grandmother’s German yellow vase in which …

Father Time and the Young Year

ED sent me a beautiful early 20th century Chromolithograph of Father Time and the Young Year as a boy signing the Book of Life together. A chromolithograph is created on …

Raise a Glass to this Medal

Let me see if I can value this medal sent by ES without pouring a glass of wine. I’ve never seen anything like this before, and I collect medals. She …

De Grazia Commercial Works

Sherri owns a framed image of a Native American mother and child (Navajo Madonna) signed “De Grazia.” Yes, it’s signed. Yes, it feels like a painted surface. But no, it’s …

How do I know it’s Hepplewhite?

JE owns a fine British Hepplewhite Demi Lune table she picked up for a song at Goodwill before the Pandemic. She threw it in her storage, and now took the …

$40 Welsh Painting Might Bring $40K

LS found this Welsh painting in a small antique shop in Franklin Township, Sussex County NJ years ago. He thought it perfect for his brother’s new lake house. But on …

Chairs Carry Santa Barbara History

RM owns two Renaissance Revival chairs that carry significant Santa Barbara history. His family treasured then since 1906 when they purchased them as part of the original furnishings for the …