From Soup to Nut Dish
JH owns a delightful little silver-plate nut dish, a curling stylized leaf on which perches a silver-plate squirrel. A stamp on the bottom states the Hatford Silver Co., Silver-plate. She …
American Association of Appraisers, Certified Member. 30 Years experience | (805) 895.5005 |
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart’s column appears every week in the LIFESTYLE & CULTURE section of the Montecito Journal. Email her your questions with high-resolution photos:
JH owns a delightful little silver-plate nut dish, a curling stylized leaf on which perches a silver-plate squirrel. A stamp on the bottom states the Hatford Silver Co., Silver-plate. She …
What made you feel grateful for in 2020? I loved 2020 in only one way, it brought me to a closer realization of the strength of creativity. Artists here in …
TS sent me the result of her outing today up in the mountains off Gibraltar Road, some handpicked wildflowers. She also found her great grandmother’s German yellow vase in which …
ED sent me a beautiful early 20th century Chromolithograph of Father Time and the Young Year as a boy signing the Book of Life together. A chromolithograph is created on …
Let me see if I can value this medal sent by ES without pouring a glass of wine. I’ve never seen anything like this before, and I collect medals. She …
Sherri owns a framed image of a Native American mother and child (Navajo Madonna) signed “De Grazia.” Yes, it’s signed. Yes, it feels like a painted surface. But no, it’s …
JE owns a fine British Hepplewhite Demi Lune table she picked up for a song at Goodwill before the Pandemic. She threw it in her storage, and now took the …
LS found this Welsh painting in a small antique shop in Franklin Township, Sussex County NJ years ago. He thought it perfect for his brother’s new lake house. But on …
Bob Marley’s 1970’s Santa Barbara Bowl shirt sold recently for $33,275 in a themed auction. My friends at RR Auctions in Boston contacted me in early November because of this …
RM owns two Renaissance Revival chairs that carry significant Santa Barbara history. His family treasured then since 1906 when they purchased them as part of the original furnishings for the …