I FINALLY Researched Antonio Stagnoli
Antonio Stagnoli painted this midcentury modern piece that hung in my dining room for thirty-three years. Don’t remember where I found it, probably a thrift store. I never looked up …
American Association of Appraisers, Certified Member. 30 Years experience | (805) 895.5005 | elizabethappraisals@gmail.com
Dr. Elizabeth Stewart’s column appears every week in the LIFESTYLE & CULTURE section of the Montecito Journal. Email her your questions with high-resolution photos: ElizabethAppraisals@gmail.com.
Antonio Stagnoli painted this midcentury modern piece that hung in my dining room for thirty-three years. Don’t remember where I found it, probably a thrift store. I never looked up …
CS sent me a recent find at the wonderful Destined for Grace Thrift Store in Goleta. A 19th century Nautical Oil lamp that somebody electrified. The story of her lamp …
How do you avoid a family melt-down? Who wants WHAT? WHY? And HOW to divide equitably? My experience counseling families allows me to suggest the following: Step One Discuss what …
BE sent me an 1810 folding Regency fan used in ballrooms in England, a Battoir (batting) fan of silk, embroidered with sequins and painted. The painted scene shows an elegantly …
SJ showed me a drawing before she framed it. She thought it an original Diego Rivera when she saw it in Ventura at the Boys and Girls Club Thrift store. …
After eighteen months we need deep relaxation, muscle regeneration, and better concentration. HOW TIMELY that JF sent me two “singing” bowls from his home altar. His collection of Japanese standing …
PS sent me a fascinating pair of South American stirrups SO SMALL I suspect they’re lady’s stirrups. In times past people only prized dainty lady-feet. What a JOKE. When you …
JE wrote that she found these lamps at her favorite thrift store, Destined for Grace, in Santa Barbara about four years ago. The tag on them read: “From a Hindu …
Flea market dealers kept their stock in garages for more than a year. They took advantage of the push to de-clutter we all felt, so the STOCK for the fleas …
JP sent me a fabulous Art Nouveau style figural table lamp with a nude woman supported by a peacock. The outstretched arm of the woman holds the light fixture. A …