I FINALLY Researched Antonio Stagnoli

Antonio Stagnoli painted this midcentury modern piece that hung in my dining room for thirty-three years. Don’t remember where I found it, probably a thrift store. I never looked up …

Shedding Light on an Oil Lamp

CS sent me a recent find at the wonderful Destined for Grace Thrift Store in Goleta. A 19th century Nautical Oil lamp that somebody electrified. The story of her lamp …

Having a Ball with a Regency Fan

BE sent me an 1810 folding Regency fan used in ballrooms in England, a Battoir (batting) fan of silk, embroidered with sequins and painted. The painted scene shows an elegantly …

Japanese Singing Bowls “Sound Bath”

After eighteen months we need deep relaxation, muscle regeneration, and better concentration. HOW TIMELY that JF sent me two “singing” bowls from his home altar. His collection of Japanese standing …

South American Stirrups for Small Feet

South American Stirrups for Small Feet

PS sent me a fascinating pair of South American stirrups SO SMALL I suspect they’re lady’s stirrups. In times past people only prized dainty lady-feet. What a JOKE. When you …

Fabulous Hindu Lamps

JE wrote that she found these lamps at her favorite thrift store, Destined for Grace, in Santa Barbara about four years ago. The tag on them read: “From a Hindu …