Two Bizarre Real Art World Amusements

Occasionally the art world becomes very bizarre. Picture yourself as a middle aged Italian sewage worker hired to drive a bulldozer to uncover old sewer pipes close to the Apian …

A Washboard Eased Laundry Day Ordeal

JE owns an early 20th century American washboard use by 1860s across the nation. Stephen Rust of New York invented it in 1833. He patented a wood frame that held …

Mechanical Music Box Cranks Up Tunes

JMC sent me photos of a fantastic music box, probably fifty to sixty inches long and twenty-five to thirty inches wide, dating from the late 19th century. I LOVE old …

THE Premier Swiss Mantle Atmos Clock

Imagine a clock that winds itself based on changes in atmospheric pressure. This clock doesn’t need a human. It winds itself with the help of a sealed bellows of ethyl …

What Do Celebrities Collect?

I’ve worked for a few celebrity clients over the years as an appraiser. Although I can’t discuss my OWN celebrity client’s collections, Town and Country, Vanity Fair, and Art Net …

Lauder’s ‘OMG’ Formula

If you walked into a thrift store, and saw a painting that intrigued you, how do you judge it? First answer: you learn history of art, techniques of artists, and …