Australian Dream Painting

An Australian Dream Painting for $10

JS from Santa Barbara sent me a “dotted” dream painting, with what she describes as illegible signatures. I asked her to bring it to my office for me to identify …

Martin Luther Bible, a Family Treasure

NW owns an old family Martin Luther bible passed down to her from her great grandfather’s family in Leipzig. The frontispiece reads: Martin Luther’s Kirchen-Postille, published by Stottmeier, Braunschweig, Germany, …

World Dance for Humanity

Janet Reineck, Juanita Johnson, and Peter Haslund talk about World Dance for Humanity, which bridges cultures through movement and helps people in need by supporting small, sustainable, grassroots projects in …

For the Love of Chinese Fingernails

JF sends me this image of what she thinks is a guard for Chinese fingernails, smuggled out of China by her great aunt in the 1950’s. JF wonders what it …

A Remington? See/Smell it First

Imagine you’re an appraiser and TB sent you what appeared to be a copy of a famous painting “Caught in the Circle” by Frederic Remington (1861-1909)? TB’s painting sports a …

Santa Barbara Maritime Museum

Executive Director Greg Gorga and BOD President Don Barthelmess from the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum talk about a range of marine related topics, as well as Fishing with Paper & …