Small Plates Tell a Story

PC collects hors d’oeuvres small plates. The smallest is a set of six from the International Toasts Series by Fondeville Ambassador Ware. Fondeville NY imported these from England in the …

Our Town & Tony Awards

Guest Host Maggie Yates first welcomes Philip Levien and Beth Yeager to talk about Theatre Eclectic‘s production of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town. Then Samantha Eve discusses the Tony Awards. 

80s Mixed Media Collage Flowed From Mentorship

80s Mixed Media Flowed From Mentorship

GF owns a surrealistic image of a businessman’s tie, rendered in paper and mounted in a three-dimensional structure of paper supported, and bounced, on little springs. I didn’t find a …

Shakespeare and Sleuth

Guest Host Maggie Yates first welcomes David Paris to talk about the emergence of Shakespeare Santa Barbara. Then dramaturge Anna Jensen discusses the Ensemble Theatre Company‘s production of Sleuth.

HOT NEWS in the artworld?

Oh, YES! Searching two definitive sources for artworld news, this article compiles stories found recently on ArtNetNews, headquartered in NYC, and The Art Newspaper, with offices in NYC and London. …

Moving Miss Daisy and I Madonnari

Guest Host Maggie Yates welcomes Glenn Novack and Louis John who talk about their Moving Miss Daisy Consignment & Auction House. Then Executive Director Kai Tepper discusses the Children’s Creative …

Reg Manning Bonded with the West

EC owns a wonderful, but not very politically correct, little pocket sized book inherited from her father called Reg Manning’s Cartoon Guide to California (1939). Its almost original condition becomes …