Treasured Werken Flavius Josephus

PS owns a splendid, rare work of Jewish History worth around $3,000 on the old book market. Werken Flavius Josephus, published in Amsterdam in 1722, is a translation of the …

Making Waves Conversations

Mark Sylvester, chef, improviser, introNetworks developer, and co-founder of TEDxSantaBarbara, talks about his long-running podcast Making Waves. 

Citrus crate label

Eye Catching Citrus Crate Labels

ER owns three citrus crate labels, and wonders if they’re valued as art or pieces of paper. The first label is recognizable—Goleta. We’ve all seen that on tea towels and …

Air Love and Love

Claudia Hoag McGarry talks about her new play Air Love and Love, joined by actors Peter Rojas, Dalina Klan, Vladimir Hurtado, and Bojana Hill. See the play Saturday, July 16 …

Picasso Worthy Ceramic Fish Plate

Let me tell you a story of a theme and technique championed by none other than Pablo Picasso adopted in the Hinterland of Australia. Check out FT’s ceramic fish plate. …