Four Big Art Stories

Four big stories dominated the art world this week: On the upcoming cover of The New Yorker, a courtroom artist’s sketch of Trump. Whistler’s Mother re-visits Philadelphia (last seen in …

Midcentury Mosaic Quite a Find

RT sent me a midcentury painted mosaic tile plaque, a curious image of a yellow fern with green and red foliage signed EC or CC Bealle. The work has been …

Santa Barbara Tango Workshops

Fernanda Ghi, a true legend in the world of Argentine tango, joins harmonica virtuoso Joe Powers to talk about Santa Barbara Tango workshops this weekend. Watch Video

Asian Art Needs an Expert

Somebody in Honolulu called me. He lost four pieces of Asian art in a move, the fault of the moving company. Sadly, four rare Chinese porcelain vessels. He asked for …

Minga Opazo & Momentum Dance Company

First textile crafter Minga Opazo discusses her sculpture on the September-October 2022 cover of American Scientist. Then Owner/Director Betsy Woyach and Jazz, Contemporary, and Ballet Instructor Landry Breaux talk about …

Glass Swan Symbolism Still Lives

TY sent me a pink blown glass swan, and a green blown glass swordfish, about a foot tall each. The swan is Italian (Murano), the swordfish is Mexican “end of …

The Light in the Piazza

Chrisman Studio Artist Program Conductor Timothy Accurso joins Brooklyn Snow, Matthew Greenblatt, Christina Pezzarossi, and Layna Chianakas to talk about Opera Santa Barbara‘s production of The Light in the Piazza …

Tea Caddies Tell British History Tale

My southern grandmother, Ruth Sophia, and her family loved tea. Aunt Kathleen and the elder Aunt Sylvia drank tea all day long in old Saint Louis. I inherited that love, …

The Arts Fund

Mover and shaker, and aacting Executive Director, Jamie Dufek talks about The Arts Fund of Santa Barbara.