What Did I Just Inherit?

Did a relative die and leave photos, papers, books, and letters? How do you value the collection? Maybe you really didn’t want the collection due to lack of space or …

24th Annual Ojai Film festival

Three filmmakers, Robert Redfield, Fia Sophia Perera, and Christopher Hills Eaton, from the Gold Coast portion of the Ojai Film Festival talk about their films screening on Monday, November 6.  …

SBAU & SBHST’s Dracula

First, members of the Santa Barbara Astronomical Unit talk about their group’s activities. Then some cast members discuss Santa Barbara High School Theatre‘s production of Dracula, which runs through November …

Maritime Museum and Revels

Executive Director Greg Gorga and Collections Manager Lydia Rao from the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum discuss the latest exhibition, 170 Years of Harbor History, on display through January 21. Then …

STOLEN and LOOTED ART: What You Should Know

“Theft, looting, and illicit trafficking of cultural property is a crime,” states UNESCO’s Illicit Trafficking Unit. “It deprives people of their history and culture; it weakens social cohesion…and fuels organized …

Ojai Studio Artists

Artists Carlos Grasso, Emily Thomas, and Christopher Noxon talk about the Ojai Studio Artists (OSA) tour, October 7-9. 

NatureTrack Film Festival

Filmmakers Andrew Nadkarni, Russell Chadwick, and Jason Wise join Founder Sue Eisaguirre to talk about the NatureTrack Film Festival, October 6-8.

154 & Paradise

Writer Gerald DiPego, Director Peter Frisch, and actors Leesa Beck and Bill Egan talk about The Producing Unit‘s show 154 & Paradise at Center Stage Theater through September 30.